Shahrukh Khan’s forthcoming film ‘Rab Ne bana Di Jodi’ is going to hit the theatres this Friday. Aftermath the terrorist attack in Mumbai on 26th November, the city which never sleeps seems to confine itself in its bedroom. The effect of this devilish attack does not even leave film industry. Every film is facing lose for the reason that theatres and multiplexes are almost empty. But ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi’ seems to bring fresh air in this tension-packed situation.

According to the sources, Shahrukh Khan is not attending any kind of promotional campaign of ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi’ as he himself says he was mentally very disturbed for the 26/11 attack on Mumbai. He says, “The movie is funny. But when I watched it, I cried and I laughed and I cried because I felt that by killing innocent, normal people, they (terrorists) are denying us the simple pleasures of life.” Shahrukh Khan truly believes that this film will definitely bring smiles on the terror-stricken people. He even adds on, “I can't tell people it will get you out of your sadness, but I can assure you that the two hours and 20 minutes is going to be great fun…we're hoping to make people smile a little and go back with some nice, good thoughts.”

Talking about the storyline of the story, he says, “The hero in this film is not awesome, not someone you want to be. The hero in this film is ordinary like you and me.” In this film, Shahrukh Khan is playing a simple guy-next-door, who has married a young girl. Let’s see whether ‘RNBDJ’ can do some magic or not!